General Leave Settings
This window enables you to set your preferred colours for the different Leave Types to be used in the Leave Application. This also allows you to determine whether the leave type can be printed on a pay slip, projected in ESS, or shown on Time Editor, among many others. Likewise, this screen also works as a central repository of information related to Leave Classifications including RDO and Workers Compensation.
Rules and Guidelines
- You may choose the colour you want to use and appear in the Leave Planner.
- The change of colour on this screen is automatically applied to the Review Leave Application window's Leave Planner.
- To turn the extended leave colours On, tick the Use leave approved colour extended palette on this window. To turn if Off, untick the Use leave approved colour extended palette.
- Note that the turning On or Off of the Use leave approved colour extended palette automatically changes the settings on *PP_LEAVE_PLANNER. Thus, ticking it will set this Prevar to Y, and disabling it will change the setting to N.
Field Information

The colour set in this field, when displayed on the Leave Planner, means that there are outstanding Leaves requests awaiting for approval.

The colour set in this field, when displayed on the Leave Planner, means that the coloured day is a Public Holiday.

The colour set in this field, once displayed on the Leave Planner, means that the coloured days contain overlapping leaves (i.e. two or more Leaves within the same day).

The colour set in this field, once displayed on the Leave Planner, means that there is a Leave that is partially declined or cancelled (i.e. a Leave that is not yet declined and may need further information and action to be processed).

Tick this box if you want to enable the use of colour coding for the extended Approved Leave Types. Once ticked, the Leave Approved field below this tick box will be disabled, and the extended leave colours will be made available for the Leave Planner.
Leaving this field unticked enables the Leave Approved field so that every approved leave, regardless of the type, will display the colour specified in the Leave Approved field.

The colour set in this field, when displayed on the Leave Planner, means that the requested Leave for the specified date has been approved.

This indicates the type of leave such as Annual Leave, Sick Leave, RDO, or User-defined Leave.

If populated, the text entered becomes the description to be used in the Leave Planner for Managers/Approvers.

You may customise the colour of an approved leave per type via this field. The colour set in this field, when displayed on the Leave Planner, means that the applied leave for the specified date has been approved.
This field is only enabled when the Use leave approved colour extended palette is ticked.

This controls the leave types to be displayed on the Time Editor screen. By default, Classifications V, L , and S are ticked.
This column is only displayed when the database is connected to the Time module (i.e. Prevar *PRECEDATIME_ACTIVE set to Y).

This field controls the Classifications to be displayed on the Pay slip.
- Settings to this option will override Program Control A440. However, if A440 is Environment-specific (i.e. XX440 - the first two characters being the Payrun Environment), then the Print on Pay slips settings for Annual, Sick, LSL, and RDO leave types will be ignored and overridden by the existing Environment-specific instances of Program Control A440 .
- The Pay slip supports up to nine Classifications. You can tick whichever Classifications as required. However, the existing logic to determine the ones to be displayed remains.

This determines whether the corresponding Leave can be projected or not.
Ticking this field enables the leave classification to be projected on My Leave (i.e. via the Projected To option on the Leave Balances section). By default, Classifications V, L , and S are ticked.

This controls the ability to calculate leave liability when running the Leave Accruals Report/Leave Liability Movement.
By default, Classifications V, L , and S are ticked.

The Hours Type Codes displayed on the browse list depend on whether or not they belong to the Classification listed on the row.
For User-Defined leave types, all Hours Types set with Classification O are listed.

The selection in this field controls the display of the Attachment option (i.e. via Drag and drop or Browse) on several screens such as on My Leave .
To enable the Attachment option (i.e. on My Leave ), set this column to M (Mandatory) or O (Optional). Setting this to N disables the attachment functionality preventing you to upload any file.